For successful marketing you need exposure and visibility on the
Internet. Imagine a billboard in Times Square or on the highway when you pass it. It's in your face. You may not be interested in the model on the billboard or even want to purchase the product to Chuck's heating and cooling service. But now you know Chuck exists and you know where to find chuck if you need him. The beauty of the
Internet is the world is your billboard your blog(s) or website(s) isn't just limited to your local interstate highway or Times Square etc. Someone in Bulgaria, Russia, Hungary, Cambodia, USA, Japan, Thailand, Canada or India needs to see your billboard and it needs to be in their face. So they can know that you exist and about your products that you are trying to push. Do you get the picture? This of course isn't easy considering that their are about 2.5 trillion other blinking billboards. You need to tap into your creative skills. You have to
arouse their curiosity. And not just be another billboard.
To do this there are many free website traffic tools which are no cost. Traffic Zap is a good place to start. It will get you started. To the right is their link

this tool will increase web traffic to your site through a link exchange system. They also have a
search engine submitter . which will give your website or blog worldwide exposure. They submit your website or blog
Url is submitted to 20 major search portals.
TrafficZap is dedicated to increase web traffic they also have many other tools for this purpose. They both seem to be effective I have gotten hits from India, Dubai, Israel, Canada, USA, Europe on my other sites. Another tool that you need to find is a free traffic counter its purpose is to determine what geographic regions you need to focus your blog or site on what search engines are finding your site a free counter service
rite counter they allow you to register multiple sites but they have no affiliate programs though. they have very catchy graphics but only a 14 day trail period for their counter products.
Traffic Swarm is a good link exchange service and will also increase traffic
Web Launch another excellent search engine submitter. If you get the time go to Web Launch's site they have a variety of topics. A good one on writing for
EZines a good avenue to promote your site or blog. Heres another great tool to test your site they are called
submitIf you want a free banner is good very easy to use. If you need a free widget
these guys are good this site
Dynamic Drive DHTML has tons and tons of free javascripts. No programing skills needed. just copy and paste codes
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